Common Knowledgy Part 2: Motivation To Make It Happen
I teach people that business is a box because like a mentor once taught me the keys are simple, 1 (WHAT GOES OUT, WHO IT GOES OUT TO, HOW TO GET IT OUT TO THEM, AND HOW TO BENEFIT FROM EVERYTHING). Those are the walls of business when you understand those guide lines you will begin to lock down anything you want into a form or square which will be your foundation like any other. Just like there floor in most homes after you have a solid foundation then and only then should you add your furniture.
Similar to the furniture in the home, products are one thing but without the home it has no place your product might be the greatest but with out solid walls of business it can be broken down and all that hard work down the drain. Like I said earlier one of the things that drive me crazy is when people use fancy words and try to create a hey I know it conversation, just to sound fancy. One of those words mostly used is MARKETING. When people over use that word trying to pitch to some client, I feel bad for the one being pitched to because I know most of the times its used with the intent to fool that person, when in reality that person should simply have the facts and that should be simple to explain...
Kenyatta Blake
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